How is non-alcoholic wine made?

How is non-alcoholic wine made?

Among the many reasons to consider drinking an alcohol-free beverage, (work, choice, physical wellness, mental wellness, sober curiosity, designated driver, recovery and so on), enjoying the zero-proof version does not have to be a sacrifice.

Wine, in particular, is often enjoyed during celebrations – whether it be a holiday or a simple Friday night. We're here to share our Top 5 Holiday-Favourite Dealcoholised Wines, because indulging in your favourite wind-down activity can also benefit from being zero-proof. But...before we get into our list, we want to tell you what exactly dealcoholised wine is.

Although some folks would consider dealcoholised wine to taste and feel like an unfermented grape juice, let's clear one thing up - wine is grape juice and a common misconception is that these two beverages don't fall from the same vine. 

Myth debunked: producing a dealcoholised wine is actually very similar to that of your favourite vino found at your local liquor store. Dealcoholised wine goes through similar harvest decisions, fermentation, vinification methods and aging regimens as its well-known counterpart, all to assist with the varying flavours, profiles and body that the wine ends up delivering. The additional process that dealcoholised wine goes through is the removal of alcohol, often through vacuum distillation: a process that heats up the wine and allows the ethanol to evaporate, or reverse osmosis: a process that includes filtering out the alcohol through distillation.

Overall, both processes intend to preserve the wine's aromatics, taste profiles, distinction and body so you can enjoy the flavour of your favourite chardonnay without the sacrifice of your next day.

Friends at a picnic, drinking award-winning, alcohol-free wine and cake and fruit and cheese.

You may have guessed already that not consuming alcohol (ethanol) is better for your brain, gut, liver and beyond, but another commonly forgotten benefit is the presence of polyphenols, which begin with the grape. Studies show that polyphenols, most notably resveratrol, are highly antioxidizing and aids in reducing blood pressure and total cholesterol. The removal of the ethanol actually  preserves and enhances the presence of vitamins, minerals and polyphenols, and studies show non-alcoholic wine outperforms regular wine at reducing blood pressure and total cholesterol. 

Peaked your curiosity? Consider one (or a few) of the options from the list below of the Top 5 Best Dealcoholised Wines to drink this Fall. 

1. Noughty Sparkling Chardonnay

This beautifully effervescent wine won awards for its flavour profile of a crisp, dry white. It's also organic, vegan and halal-certified. 

Noughty Organic Sparkling Chardonnay

2. Oddbird Spumante Prosecco

A traditional Italian Prosecco, with notes of white pear, green apple, elderflower, honey melon, citrus, gooseberry and grapefruit.

Oddbird Spumante Prosecco

3. Le Petit Chavin Merlot

A lighter bodied French red; mild and smooth, similar to some Pinot Noirs, that pairs well with a risotto. 

Le Petit Chavin Merlot

4. Fre Cabernet Sauvignon

A delicious Californian wine, drier than others, and easy to pair with richer foods.

Fre Cabernet Sauvignon

5. Le Petit Chavin Chardonnay

Another French classic; its lush palate is balanced always by its delicate freshness.

Le Petit Chavin Chardonnay


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the whole world belongs to you” - Lao Tzu

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